What is happening
Okay at about 6:30 am a loud boom was heard and Jason's car alarm went off. We both ran out side to see the transformer vault on fire, flames shot up about 5 feet in the air. The fire department came but the could not do anything until PSE crew showed up to turn off the power! About an hour later PSE crew shows up (by then the fire had burned it self out) they said yep there has been a fire! When asked when it might be fixed (just before the crew left) oh we can't fix it we don't have the right tools! They had to have a special crew come in! So on goes the generator! We had to run it for about 10 hours before the Special crew got the power back on (Hey it took them 4 hours to get here and about 4 hours to replace the transformer or so) to make a long story short we got power back around 5:15 pm. Needless to say all the things that needed to get done in the house this weekend did not get done. Well maybe I can start laying carpet during the week!